
We all have had a fear of something. Perhaps it was one of the common phobias that people suffer from such as arachnophobia or claustrophobia. There is a lesser-known phobia that is more common than you think.

What Is Chorophobia?

Chorophobia is defined as a fear of dancing. From the Greek translation, “Choro” means dance. The condition occurs when someone is extremely uncomfortable at the thought of dancing.

Causes of Chorophobia

  • Distressful Events

An embarrassing event or other traumatic occasions could be the cause of one’s fear

  • Triggered by Other Phobias

Other fears such as the fear of being touched and being in public places could enhance the intensity of chorophobia

  • Depression

Depression has been linked to many mental illnesses to include phobias.

  • Upbringing

Fear of dancing could be explained by a person’s upbringing. If a child has been brought up in a strict household and has been prohibited from dancing. Or religious organizations may prohibit the practice of dancing.

Symptoms of Chorophobia

Panic Attacks

A panic attack is caused by intense fear or discomfort and reaches its peak within minutes. Some of the signs of a panic attack are:

  • increased heart rate
  • excessive sweating
  • shaking
  • shortness of breath

Isolation in Social Situations

One that suffers from chorophobia may separate themselves from others.

Avoiding Places of Dance

For a person that is fearful of dance, going to places such weddings, parties, nightclubs, or other places that often encourage dancing can be very stressful and choose to avoid those places.

Aggressive When Asked to Dance

In extreme cases of chorophobia, a person’s behavior can be erraditc when put under too much stress.

Treatment of Chorophobia


The purpose of psychotherapy is to improve mental health and well being by resolving troublesome behavior, compulsions, emotions, and thoughts. Two common treatments that psychotherapists use are hypnotherapy and exposure therapy.

  • Hypnosis

Psychologists use hypnotherapy to open up and awaken the subconscious mind for the intention of changing behavior patterns. The therapist may be able to find the specific issue triggering the fear of dancing. It is considered as a safe and fast form of therapy for phobias.

  • Exposure Therapy

Exposure Therapy helps break the pattern of fear and aversion. In this style of psychotherapy, psychologists create a safe environment to expose the individuals to the things that are feared.


Medicine can be prescribed but they are used to help alleviate the symptoms and can not cure the phobia.
Antidepressants and anti-anxiety are common medications prescribed to help balance out one’s serotonin levels.

Ready to Get Over Your Fear of Dancing?

At Fred Astaire Dance Studio of Durham, we offer dance lessons and classes for all skill levels. Our dance instructors offer private dance lessons to help you overcome your fear of dancing. Please call our Durham dance studio at (919) 489-4313 or fill out the contact form for more information and to schedule your lesson.

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